Contest Rules

Please make sure to read and follow these rules carefully, to ensure that your final entry is eligible for the judging process. 

.Your entry must relate to the contest’s theme.

.You can only submit one work

.Your entry must be created by only one person.

.Your entry must be a 3d rendered image.

.You can use only Blender software.

.You can use any visual render style of your choice.

.It’s not allowed to import any 3D models.

.No fanart allowed.

.Using a concept art of another artist as the foundation for your 3d work is not allowed.

.Enhancing your rendering in post is allowed – That includes things like color adjustments, compositing render layers/passes and adding effects like smoke, fire, particles etc. Extending your scene with a sky background is allowed too. Other than that, adding photographic elements (like cut out characters or vegetation) or doing paintovers or photobashing is not allowed.

.Imagery & depictions of hate, racism, sexism or other discriminatory factors will additionally be judged based on their context & visual narrative. If the entry is clearly promoting or idealizing a harmful agenda then it will be disqualified.

.You must submit your work before the deadline is over.